My story is neither new nor exceptional in any way, but Smart HR activity was born when I became a mother and my son was just over one year old. Then I began to raise uncomfortable questions about self-knowledge, the desire for personal and professional freedom became apparent, and when the opportunity arose to work on one search and selection project with the possibility of maintaining at least a minimum level of professional competence independently and assigning quality time for raising a child, consciously, after I have created a little work-home balance, which aimed to generate a financial windfall. Today we are a team of 7 colleagues with strong clients and educational experiences and connecting a sense of empathy for women raising small children. Having experienced such feelings as anxiety, stress, doubts about our abilities, we are no exception. Ours vErslo development experience maybeto be movea to each woman's who is rethinking her professional vocation, dreams of creating a business or return to salaried work lives. This is not an easy step at first sight, because in society we still meet stigmatizing assessments about women's opportunities after parental leave. At the same time, the headlines of Linkedin profiles or CVs filled with slogans of confidence and pride, in which childcare leave is named as "the most important project of his life" or “passing the time management and organizational skills exam 24/7. We hope that women consider their motherhood experience to be one of the best experiences of personal growth.
As you know, men are also taking parental leave today, but for women, returning to the workforce is probably still more challenging than we might think. Women still they feel more alienated from work, colleagues, and their previous professional life, so their sense of self-confidence is also shaken. When communicating with candidates who are on childcare leave, but are planning to return to the labor market, we hear that one of the most important expectations for work would be flexible working hours, the option to work from home when the child is sick, the possibility of not working constantly recurring overtime, that time after work maybeuhthose would be for the family. No less important is and company location, if working in a contact or hybrid way. Can many employers meet these employee needs?
According to the employment service, Lithuania ranks seventh in Europe in terms of women's equality in the labor market, and this means that we must continue to move in a positive direction and in every possible way promote the easier integration of women into the labor market after parental leave. Women in our country are quite active in the labor market, and even during previous crises, their unemployment was significantly lower than that of men. Today, women are more likely than men to take advantage of retraining opportunities in other fields, such as IT. It is encouraging that we are in a high position in the context of the world and Europe, and the manifestations of discrimination against women and segregation on the basis of gender in the labor market are decreasing.
In the employment service in 2022 on September 1, 53.1 percent was registered. job-seeking women and 46.9 percent. men. Last year, this ratio was almost equal - 50.8 percent, respectively. and 49.2 percent
Kad it would be easier to return to the labor market after parental leave, good to know:
📌 Prepare psychologically and positively. This phase is difficult but temporary. Try to be kind to yourself and listen to your feelings. If you feel that it is not time yet, allow yourself to wait, if only you have a "financial cushion" or a supportive family.
📌 Plan the coming period and part with your child little by little and consistently extend this period until a full working day. If you hire a nanny, we can agree to leave the child for a few hours a day while you are not working, or spend the first few days/weeks with the child and the nanny together. You can involve grandparents or other close people in childcare, and in the event of a child's illness, you can also take advantage of temporary incapacity to care for a close family member.
📌 If you send your child to kindergarten, plan to return to work after the child's adaptation time in kindergarten, and not immediately. A clear plan will help you control the challenges of your personal life and work and reduce anxiety. It is extremely important to work as a cohesive team in the family and change roles.
📌 If you plan to return to your current workplace, find out if it can offer you a mentor who would give you more practical advice and support. Discuss your needs with your manager and colleagues as well. If you clearly state that you cannot work overtime due to family obligations, there may be fewer questions or misunderstandings during the work process.
📌 If you will participate in an interview for a new job, it is important for you to find out whether it can provide job opportunities that meet your needs. The most important thing is to openly and confidently ask relevant questions, the answers of which would help to compare all the pros and cons and make the most correct decision. Openness in selection has never been more valued than it is now.
Thank you for reading.